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EN10025-2 S355K2 steel plates common knowledge steel plate

EN10025-2 S355K2 steel plates chemical composition:

EN10025-2 S355K2 steel plates mechanical properties:
Yield strength:≤16mm,≥355 Mpa;16—40mm, ≥345 Mpa;40—63mm,≥335 Mpa;63—80mm,≥325 Mpa;80—100mm,≥315 Mpa;100—150mm, ≥295 Mpa;150—200mm,≥285 Mpa;200—250mm,≥275 Mpa;250—400mm,≥265 Mpa.

Tensile strength: 450—600 Mpa.

Impact energy: ≤150mm, -20℃, ≥40J.

Delivery state: Hot rolling, control rolling, normalizing and so on.

EN10025-2 S355K2 steel plates application:
EN10025-2 S355K2 steel plates are used in the manufacture of all kinds of engineering machinery, such as various types of mines and construction projects for the drilling rig, excavator, electric wheel dump truck, truck, excavators, loaders, bulldozers, cranes, etc. all kinds of hydraulic support in coal mine machinery and equipment and other structures.

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